Artificial Intelligence (AI) in TW IoT RTLS platform for Hospitals
TW IoT platform has evolved over the years by using historical data coupled with real time tracking data that is available when patients, staff and equipment are tracked using the TW BLE tags. With the insights and data available, TW has build a learning algorithm that can process large amount of historical data and build learning algorithms to achieve meaningful outcomes.
TW offers RTLS enabled automation software solutions with Artificial Intelligence. Platform is offering predictive analytics utilizing machine learning and RTLS
RTLS data of all the entities (Patient, User, Assets) are superimposed and algorithms are applied to predict wait times for various functions in the hospital. It will detail each step and the time it would probably take for each of them. The platform leverages historical patient data continuously and adjusts operational intelligence to provide tangible improvements to quality of care and patient experience.
TW IoT Platform provides clinical systems integration, customizable reporting, dashboards, alerts, critical communication with staff and family to improve turnaround times. TW IoT Platform supports patient flow, workflow orchestration, and asset management.